Almost every day everyone wears a watch, especially men. Apart from the need to show time, watches can make the appearance of men more elegant. No exception for those who have thick or high-class marsupials, watches are obligatory to wear, and luxury watches are the target.
If men don’t wear watches when on the move, there is something less and uncomfortable. In contrast, according to women who see men not wearing watches, men who do not use a watch will look less sophisticated or just standard. Therefore, men, wear your watch always because it will be a plus point and add good looks in the eyes of women, especially the woman you are after. Also, wearing a watch will increasingly show a man looks like a professional, and of course to make a more professional watch it must be tailored to the character of the man.
Different Materials for Different Personalities
There are several types of materials for watches. The first is the stainless steel, which is usually often used by parents who want to look luxurious. This type of material also is suitable for formal events.
Second, there is Nylon. This watch material is for those who want to look casual. Men usually wear nylon watch when they go to a party.
In the third place, there is Canvas. This one is popular among young people because it has the most casual look compared to the previous two.
In the fourth place, the rubber material is for men who like to spend time outdoors for activities such as sports, exploration, and hunting. It is specifically manufactured to withstand harsh weathers and extreme conditions.
Simplicity is the Best Policy
Some men like to wear hand accessories together with the watch. Everyone has their preference, and if you want to use additional accessories, you should only have two bracelets. Do not choose more than three bracelets because you are going to look like you flaunt those bracelets too much.
Before buying a watch, you should first measure your hands. You don’t want the watch to be an overly visible object that attracts people’s attention for its eccentricity.
Adjusting the Watch to Your Posture and Body Size
The shape and posture are also taken into consideration when choosing a clock. If it’s not by the shape and posture of your body, your appearance will look bad If you have a small wrist, you should wear a small strap or watch strap. A large watch strap will make your hands look heavy.
Another tip is not to wear small-diameter watches for those of you who are big and don’t wear large-diameter clocks for your small bodies. A sporty watch is suitable for those of you who have large, fatty wrists.
Besides, if you have muscular hands then wear a rather large watch, but avoid stainless steel or chrome straps. So adjust the shape and size of the clock to your posture.…